How to Tell You Are a Tech Addict?

How to Tell You Are a Tech AddictPin

Technology has undoubtedly been a blessing, especially to the 21st-century man. We can hardly live our lives stress-free without involving technology.

This sad truth has made technology extremely difficult to escape because invariably, work, school, and even play can involve using computers.

This has increased the use of technology every year. Technology addiction is not very easy to spot, especially when we have to be plugged in most of the time, whether for work, school, or any other reason; it’s even harder to admit if a tech addict is hard to spot.

Denying how much time is spent on devices, social media, and the WEB is a common warning sign. This is why it is essential to understand the basics of this disorder.

Signs you are addicted to technology:

1. Wasted Hours

Continuing to increase the time spent on computer and internet activities is the first warning sign you are addicted to technology.

There’s every excuse to use the computer, as it makes life more comfortable, but sometimes, when you are not doing work, school, or even playing, relaxing now involves using gadgets.

As long as you spend more time on your devices daily, you are one step closer to becoming a tech addict.

2. Cravings

That moment when you feel painfully isolated, anxious, and distressed when separated from technology, you may suffer from withdrawal—the constant bright light from the computer wires the brain to demand a certain level of stimulation.

What happens when the light goes out? Do you panic? Do you attempt to log in on Facebook to update your status? Cravings indicate that you abuse technology.

3. Multitasking

Using multiple forms of media simultaneously, such as watching a movie or playing games while browsing simultaneously, is only done by addicts.

Sometimes, multitasking is linked to depression, so as a way to distract yourself, you dive into being a tech addict.

4. Ringxiety

This happens unconsciously. You feel your phone ringing or even vibrating in your pocket, although this occurs when you are expecting an urgent call or text.

This means you frequently check your phone, do compulsive phone or social media checkups, and never leave your device far from arm’s reach.

5. Relapse

You continue a destructive behavior despite extreme external or internal consequences such as losing your job or constantly feeling depressed or detached.

This is the highest form of tech addiction. The repercussions of your addiction don’t stop you from being addicted to it.

Other signs of technology addiction include:

  • Neglecting friends and family.
  • Skimping on sleep.
  • Withdrawing from other activities that were once pleasurable.
  • A sense of euphoria while plugged in.
  • Dishonesty about usage.
  • Using the internet as a way of escaping from problems.
  • Ignoring what’s happening in real-time in favor of what’s happening in the virtual world.
  • Feel preoccupied with the internet, thinking about previous online activities, or anticipating the next one.

If you portray 5 of these signs, you are a tech addict.

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