Exploring the 19 Key Differences Between Plant and Animal Cells

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So, what’s the main difference between plant and animal cells? It’s pretty simple; plant cells are the cells that contain no nuclei, and animal cells are the cells that contain nuclei.

This implies that plants are simple and animals are complex. But it is not just that. The animal cells have more and more complex organelles.

All living things comprise cells, which consist of two main components: a cell membrane and a cell nucleus. The membrane is the barrier between the cell and the rest of the body.

The nucleus is the cell’s DNA, the master blueprint of the body that determines the location of the cells and what they are made of. Cell membranes play a significant role in the function of all cells.

They protect the cell and allow it to move or function. A cell membrane is a lipid bilayer structure consisting of water-soluble phospholipids in an aqueous solution. It is selective about what can enter and leave the cell.

Let’s go into the in-depth breakdown of the difference between plant and animal cells.

Difference Between Plant and Animal Cells

The plant cell is larger than the animal cells. The plant cell range stretches from 10-100 micrometers.The animal cell has quite a smaller range that is usually 10-30 micrometers.
Plant cells have a fixed rectangular form.Animal cells are usually round and uneven in shape.
Plant cells generate power through the use of starch.Animal cells reserve energy in the form of Glycogen and complex carbohydrates.
Plant cells have a cell wall that contains both the cell membrane and cellulose.Animal cells don’t have a cell membrane or a cell wall.
A plasma membrane and stiff wall cells surround plant cells.The animal cell contains a thin and flexible cell membrane.
In the plant cells, the nucleus is present and is located on one side of the cell.The nucleus is also present but located at the center of the cells.
The endoplasmic reticulum is present.In the animal cells, the endoplasmic reticulum is also present.
The lysosomes in plant cells are usually rare but present as the plant vacuole handles the molecule degradation.The animal cells also have lysosomes, but it contains enzymes that help digest cellular macromolecules.
Plant cell centrosomes are simpler and lack centrioles, but they nonetheless play a function in cell division and contain a collection of microtubulesIn animal cells, the centrosome is also present. It plays a role in cell division and includes a collection of microtubules.
In plant cells, Golgi Apparatus is a network of organelles embedded in the plasma membrane that, among other things, synthesizes proteins, organelles, and vesicles. Animal cells have a larger but few Golgi Apparatus. It involves putting cells into a silver salt solution.
The cytoplasm in plant cells is a fluid-filled organelle found in all eukaryotic cells. It is responsible for maintaining cellular shape and providing the cells with essential nutrients and the building blocks of new proteins. The cytoplasm in animal cells is the packaging that holds all the body’s cells together. A fusion of two cells forms the cytoplasm; the membrane created by these two cells is called the nuclear envelope. Plants, fungi, and algae also contain cytoplasm.
In plant cells, the ribosome is present. It’s a protein-making machine that makes proteins.The ribosome is also present, and it helps to make proteins that will be used inside the cell.
Plastids are present in plant cells. They are double-membrane sac-like organelles responsible for the storage of food.Plastids are absent in animal cells.
Plants use complex mechanisms to protect themselves against attacks from insects, fungi, and other organisms that could harm their health.  These protective mechanisms are often thought to involve specialized plant cells, called phloem, that transport nutrients and water from the roots to the leaves.The animal cell cannot synthesize the amino acids, vitamins, and coenzyme which are required by animal cells
Vacuoles are present in plants and are extremely large, and it provides structural supports in terms of protection, growth, storage, and waste disposal.The Vacuoles are extremely small.
Cilia are not present in plant cells. They are commonly seen in animal cells but not in plant cells. Cilia are microtubules that help cells move around.Cilia are very much present. They are microtubules that help in cellular locomotion.
In plant cells, mitochondria are present. And they are very few.The mitochondria present in the animal cells are extremely much.
Plant cell increases their size by becoming large. They grow by taking in much water into the vacuole.They increase in size by increasing their cell numbers.
In plant cells, the chloroplast is present.In animal cells, the chloroplast is absent.

What Are Plant Cells?

Plant cells are the most important cells in plants’ lives because they are where all photosynthesis takes place.

These cells absorb the sun’s radiation, and the plant uses the absorbed energy to manufacture food and produce the oxygen necessary for breathing and heartbeat.

While many plant species have yet to be uncovered, over 400,000 species have been discovered. Plant cells typically range in size from 10 to 100 micrometers.

What Are Animal Cells?

Animal cells are the smallest types of living cells. These cells are further classified into two types: simple animal cells and complex animal cells.

Simple animal cells have existed for a long time and have become simpler. Complex animal cells have appeared for a shorter time and have become more complicated.

So why do we call them animal cells? Over time, people used the word “animal” to designate all living beings.

Animal cells, which can range in size from the tiniest bacterium to the largest mammal, including humans, are the essential building elements of life.

Similarities Between Plant and Animal Cells

  • Both plant and animal cells contain membrane-bound organelles, such as the endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, the nucleus, the Golgi apparatus, peroxisomes, and lysosomes.
  • Plant cells also have similar membranes, such as cytoskeletal elements and cytosol. Thus, plant cells have the potential to be larger than animal cells.
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