A Deep Dive into Video Ad Formats: What Are Your Choices?

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Video ads have become a powerful tool for businesses to reach customers. They grab attention and tell stories in ways other formats can’t match. But not all video ads are the same.

There are many types of video ads to choose from. Interactive video ads, shoppable videos, and personalized video ads are expected to be the most successful video ad types in 2024. These formats keep viewers engaged and drive more sales. They give people fun, tailored ad experiences.

Picking the right video ad format matters. It can make the difference between an ad campaign that flops and one that soars.

The best format depends on your goals, audience, and where the ads will show up. Let’s look at some popular video ad types to help you choose.

Pre-Roll Ads

Pre-roll ads are short videos that play before the main content on online platforms. They appear at the start of videos on sites like YouTube and Dailymotion. These ads help grab viewers’ attention right away.

Most pre-roll ads last between 15 to 60 seconds. They come in two main types:

• Skippable ads • Non-skippable ads

Skippable ads let viewers jump to the main video after a few seconds. Non-skippable ads must be watched in full before the main content starts.

Pre-roll ads are great for building brand awareness. They reach viewers when they’re most focused and ready to watch. This makes them more likely to remember the ad’s message.

Some platforms use a shorter type of pre-roll ad called bumper ads. These quick spots last just 6 seconds. They pack a punch in a tiny time frame!

Pre-roll ads are part of a bigger group called in-stream video ads. These ads play within the video player itself. They feel like part of the viewing experience, not a separate pop-up.

For marketers, pre-roll ads offer a powerful way to connect with viewers. They can share their message right before the content people come to see. It’s like a mini-commercial break before the main show!

Mid-Roll Ads

Mid-roll ads pop up during a video, not at the start or end. They’re like TV commercials that break up a show. These ads can appear at natural pauses in the content.

Viewers often can’t skip mid-roll ads. This makes them great for getting people to watch the whole ad. But it’s important to place them carefully. Nobody likes an ad that cuts off an exciting moment!

Mid-roll ads work well in longer videos. They give viewers time to get hooked on the content before seeing an ad. This can lead to better engagement rates.

Some platforms use smart tech to pick the best spots for mid-roll ads. Others let content creators choose where to put them. It’s all about finding the right balance.

Mid-roll ads come in different forms. They can be short video clips, interactive elements, or even mini-games. The key is to make them interesting and relevant to the audience.

Remember, timing is everything with mid-roll ads. Put them in the wrong spot, and viewers might leave. But done right, they can be a powerful tool for advertisers and content creators alike.

Post-Roll Ads

Post-roll ads play after a video ends. They pop up when viewers finish watching content. These ads aim to catch people’s attention at the end of videos.

Post-roll ads have some cool features:

  • They don’t interrupt the main video
  • Viewers are more likely to watch them fully
  • They can be longer than other ad types

Post-roll ads work best when they’re short and snappy. A good post-roll ad gets right to the point. It tells viewers what to do next.

Some tips for great post-roll ads:

  1. Keep them under 30 seconds
  2. Use a clear call-to-action
  3. Make them relevant to the video content

Post-roll ads can be tricky. Viewers might close the video before they see the ad. But they can also be very effective. They catch people when they’re still thinking about what they just watched.

Many big brands use post-roll ads. They’re a key part of video marketing strategies. When done right, they can boost sales and brand awareness.

In-Article Ads

In-article ads are a popular type of video ad format. They appear within the content of web pages, usually between paragraphs of text.

These ads start playing automatically when a user scrolls to them. They often play without sound until the user clicks on them.

Out-stream video ads are a common form of in-article ads. They don’t need a video player to work. Instead, they show up right in the text of articles.

In-article ads have some nice benefits:

• They’re less disruptive than other ad types • They catch readers’ attention as they scroll • They work well on mobile devices

Publishers like in-article ads because they can place them in many spots on a page. This gives them more chances to make money from ads.

Advertisers enjoy using these ads, too. They can reach people who are already interested in reading content on a topic.

When done well, in-article ads can blend in smoothly with the page content. This makes for a better user experience. At the same time, they still grab attention and get their message across.

In-Feed Ads

In-feed video ads are a popular type of video advertising. They show up alongside other content on platforms like YouTube. These ads blend in with the regular videos people watch.

In-feed video ads appear in several places. You might see them in YouTube search results. They also pop up in the “watch next” section. Even the YouTube app’s home feed can display these ads.

These ads are great for catching people’s attention. They often have eye-catching thumbnails. The titles are usually interesting, too. This helps them fit in with other videos on the platform.

Advertisers like in-feed ads because they’re not too pushy. People can choose to watch them or keep scrolling. This makes viewers feel more in control of their experience.

In-feed ads can be different lengths. Some are short, like 15 seconds. Others can be much longer. The key is to make them interesting from the start.

These ads work well for many goals. They can help build brand awareness. They’re also good for promoting specific products or services. Advertisers can target them to reach the right audience.

Display Ads

Display ads are a popular way to promote businesses online. They show up on websites, apps, and video platforms.

There are different types of display ads that use video;

  • Companion ads appear next to video content. They often match the main video ad and give viewers more info.
  • In-banner video ads play inside regular display ad spaces. They catch attention with movement and sound.
  • Masthead ads are big video ads that show at the top of YouTube’s homepage. They reach lots of people quickly.

Display ads can use images, text, and video together. This mix helps grab people’s interest and share more details about products or services.

Advertisers can make their display ads responsive. This means the ads adjust to fit different screen sizes and ad spaces automatically.

To make good display ads, it’s smart to:

  • Use clear, eye-catching visuals
  • Keep text short and easy to read
  • Include a clear call to action
  • Test different versions to see what works best

Display ads help businesses reach people while they browse online, watch videos, or use apps.

Clickable Overlays

Clickable overlays are a fun and interactive way to spice up YouTube ads. These nifty features pop up during videos, giving viewers a chance to engage directly with the content.

Overlay ads are banners that appear at the bottom of YouTube videos. They don’t take up much space, just the bottom 20% of the video. This means they’re not too botsy for viewers.

These overlays can include text and simple images. The key is to keep the message clear and short. After all, there’s not much room to work with!

Advertisers love clickable overlays because they’re eye-catching. They can grab a viewer’s attention without stopping the main video. It’s like a little bonus for curious watchers.

Some cool things clickable overlays can do:

  • Link to a website
  • Show more info about a product
  • Offer a special deal or discount
  • Invite viewers to subscribe to a channel

Remember, the goal is to make these overlays helpful, not annoying. When done right, they can add value to the viewing experience.

Branded Content

Branded content is a unique type of video ad. It mixes entertainment with product placement. This format aims to tell a story that connects with viewers.

Companies create videos that reflect their brand values. These videos often don’t directly sell products. Instead, they focus on building a relationship with the audience.

Branded content can take many forms:

  • Short films
  • Web series
  • Music videos
  • Documentaries

The key is to make content that people want to watch. It should be interesting or fun. The brand message is woven into the story in a natural way.

In-feed video ads on platforms like YouTube can be used to share branded content. This helps the videos reach more people.

Branded content works well on social media. People often share videos they enjoy with friends. This can help spread brand awareness.

Many viewers prefer branded content to traditional ads. It feels less pushy and more genuine. When done right, it can create a strong emotional connection with the audience.

Shoppable Videos

Shoppable videos are a new and exciting way to shop online. They let viewers buy products they see in videos without leaving the page.

These videos work by adding clickable tags to items shown on the screen. When a viewer clicks a tag, they can add the item to their cart or go to its product page.

Shoppable video ads are becoming very popular in 2024. They help brands sell more by making it easy for people to buy what they see.

Some cool things about shoppable videos:

• They’re fun and interactive • Viewers can shop while watching • Brands can show off products in action

Many big companies use shoppable videos now. For example, Puma uses them to sell sports gear. Viewers can click on shoes or clothes worn by athletes in the video.

Studies show that shoppable videos work well:

• 41% of viewers add items to their cart • They make people nine times more likely to buy

Shoppable videos are changing how we shop online. They make buying easier and more fun for everyone.

Interactive Ads

Interactive ads are a fun way to get people to join in. They let viewers click, swipe, or play with the ad. This makes the ad more fun and helps people remember it better.

Interactive video ads are very popular. They can have buttons, quizzes, or games inside the video. This keeps people watching longer and helps them learn more about the product.

Non-linear video ads pop up during a video, but don’t stop it. They might be a small banner or a clickable image. These ads are less pushy and let viewers choose if they want to see more.

Some cool types of interactive ads are:

  • Playable ads (like mini-games)
  • Shoppable videos (click to buy)
  • 360-degree videos (look around inside the ad)
  • Choose-your-own-adventure stories

These ads work well because they’re fun. People like to play and explore. When they do this with an ad, they remember the brand better.

Interactive ads can also help companies learn about their customers. They can see what people click on or how long they play. This helps make better ads in the future.

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