Can You Get Motion Sickness From Video Games?

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Playing video games is an entertaining activity for children and adults alike. However, these games can sometimes cause strange feelings during and after a session.

Several gamers have confirmed that playing flying or driving games comes with these feelings.

Doctors have termed this feeling “simulator sickness.” Some might refer to it as motion sickness. If you’ve had such gaming experiences, I bet you want to know more.

This post answers vital questions about motion sickness during video games, their causes, and the best way to deal with them.

What is Motion Sickness?

Motion sickness is a nauseous feeling resulting from movement. The condition conflicts with your senses, making you uncomfortable and unable to comprehend every activity in your environment.

Motion sickness occurs inside moving automobiles, trains, buses, and planes. Sometimes, watching other things or people move can trigger the symptoms. The illness is not life-threatening, but it can make traveling unpleasant.

What Are the Symptoms of Motion Sickness?

Several signs indicate you’re suffering from motion sickness. Though these symptoms are a surprise, they’re the best ways to identify your reason for being sick.

Below are the symptoms of motion sickness.

1. Sweating

One of the ways to know when you’re suffering from motion sickness is when you sweat profusely. You may sweat a little too much when the attack comes, even in cool weather.

2. Dizziness

Dizziness accompanies profound sweating. You’ll suddenly feel your eyes swerve back and forth, losing focus from what you had been watching. Dizziness also makes you feel lightheaded and unsteady, increasing your risk of losing balance and falling.

3. Headache

Headache is a constant pounding in your head resulting from several activities. However, motion sickness headaches are continuous throbbing that can be dull or sharp.

4. Vomiting

In extreme conditions, you might throw up. This is because of the nauseating feeling that comes with motion sickness.  

5. Pale Skin

Once you start feeling other symptoms, your skin turns pale. In other words, colors drain from your face and skin, leaving you looking like you need blood.

6. Distraction

One of the common symptoms of motion sickness is the inability to concentrate. Your mind cannot focus on one thing as so many things are happening around you.

Sometimes, you need to run out of the vehicle even if it’s not congested.

7. Shortness of Breath

For some individuals, motion sickness is accompanied by shortness of breath. This happens when tension causes the heart to beat rapidly against the chest.

Why do Video Games Cause Motion Sickness?

Video games can be played in two formats: first-person narrative and third-person narrative. With first-person perspective technology, you don’t watch your player on the screen but take on their character.

The first-person narrative puts you in your character’s shoes; therefore, you imitate their movement as you play. In other words, if their head bobs, you imagine yours doing the same.

The same applies if your character gets on a vehicle, a plane, or a boat. The sensation of playing in the virtual world may overwhelm you and trigger sickness.

At this point, your brain begins transmitting the wrong message to the rest of your body.

Technology has even made motion sickness from video games worse than before. The graphics are stunning and more advanced, and the game features perfectly. With this, it’s easier to feel like you were in the game.

Aside from these reasons, there are no other causes of motion sickness from video games.

Tips for Avoiding Motion Sickness While Playing Video Games

Several video games involve movement, but not all cause motion sickness. Nonetheless, if you keep experiencing motion sickness from video games, you should learn how to manage it.

Here are some helpful tips to avoid motion sickness while playing video games.

Don’t Sit Too Close to the Screen

Ensure there’s enough space between your screen and your sitting position. Though a large screen is more enjoyable, a smaller screen is healthier.

This would cause the characters and environment to look smaller, reducing the feeling of being inside the game.

Use a Well-lit Room

Playing games in a dark or dimly lit room creates a fascinating effect. Aside from helping you see your screen clearly, it lets you tone down the impact of your physical environment.

With this, you can easily slip into your video games without distractions from your surroundings.

Unfortunately, a dimly lit room will only worsen motion sickness for those suffering from it. Therefore, you should ensure the room is well-lit.

A well-lit room will keep reminding your brain that you are simply in your room and not in motion.

Play in a Conducive Gaming Environment

Ensure your room is well-ventilated and that fresh air comes frequently. Don’t stay in a crowded room when playing. Furthermore, keep the room spacious and free of objects that can clutter it.

Take a Break

Don’t play a game for long without taking consecutive breaks. Pause after an hour at least and do something else. Continuous playing can inconvenience your brain.

Take Your Time

Some people want to finish a game as soon as they start it. They scale through the first and second levels and are enthusiastic about moving to the third.

Though video games can be intoxicating, you should avoid rushing to the end before you even begin the game. Take your time and gradually ease into the game until you get used to it.

For starters, play for five minutes and then increase your time playing.

Adjust Your Perspective

More frequently than not, the perspective of the game contributes massively to motion sickness. As earlier said, a first-person perspective will likely throw you off the radar.

If possible, adjust the game’s perspective to a third-person perspective and adjust the sensitivity of the movement. Choose other game types if the game doesn’t allow for a third-person perspective.

7. Use Medical Aids

Medications also help manage motion sickness, especially severe episodes. Ask your doctor for prescriptions that help control motion sickness.

Acupressure wristbands can also help relieve the symptoms of motion sickness. They have been proven to reduce nausea and vomiting.

8. Stay Hydrated

Most gamers are so into the game that they forget every other thing around them. Sometimes, they can forfeit food and water to keep playing. While not eating is excusable, forfeiting water is not.

Your body needs as much fluid as it can get. Therefore, keeping yourself hydrated should be a habit. If you do not like taking water every five minutes, take other nutritional juices.

Fruit juice is a good option for hydration. Aside from this, you could try ginger juice if you’re not allergic to ginger. Ginger tea will also help if you start having nausea while playing.

However, using ginger tea might not work for every person.

Tips for Relieving Motion Sickness

As I mentioned earlier, symptoms of motion sickness are quite surprising. Once you start having these symptoms, a few things can help you relieve them immediately.

1. Put Down the Game

The first action is to keep playing regardless of your focus. In most cases, putting down your gamepad happens naturally because of the discomfort you’ll feel.

2. Take Control

As hard as this might seem, try to control yourself. Take deep breaths and release them slowly to help calm yourself.

3. Keep Your Eyes on Stationary Objects

Look at things not in motion, as it helps with visual stimuli. Try looking beyond objects on the horizon if there are any.

If this doesn’t work, distract yourself from your environment. Try to avoid seeing, hearing, or speaking until the sensation has passed.

4. Change Your Position

Move somewhere else if you’ve been sitting in the same position while playing. Change seats or try sitting on the floor. You could also lie down and close your eyes for a while.

5. Distract Yourself

Once the symptoms have passed, don’t attempt to return to the game. Do something else that interests you.

For instance, you could turn on music, talk with someone, or enjoy the view outdoors.

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