What Does Meta Mean in Gaming?

What Does Meta Mean in GamingPin

If you’re a hardcore gaming fan who loves to watch a tournament of your favorite game, then you know how often this word is casually dropped and also part of a lot of the commentary.

What if you’re at the end of this spectrum, you ask? Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered. Let’s delve into exactly what meta stands for.

What Does Meta Gaming Mean?

Metagame, or the more common variant of it ‘Meta’ (Most Effective Tactic Available), in esports, refers to the popular trend at the time.

It can be a sure way to play the game or use specific strategies, characters, or weapons to give you an edge over your opponents.

A metagaming example could be the Legend Gibraltar, who has been a popular pick for a long time in Apex Legends’ competitive scene, effectively making him the meta.

His kit provides you with a good amount of defense and safe rotations, which can be crucial or even tip the scales in your favor if you’re caught out in the open.

If you don’t use him, you’re at a considerable disadvantage because almost all the other teams have a player running Gibraltar.

Another example could be the champions in League of Legends that are more powerful than others.

What is a Meta-gamer?

Any player who conforms to the current meta in any game is called a meta gamer.

Let’s take an example of meta-gaming or meta-gamers in Tekken 7. Fahkumram is, without a doubt, at the top of the meta due to his balanced arsenal.

Players who play with him follow the meta as it increases their chances of winning and are meta gamers.

What Does ‘Breaking the Meta’ Mean?

Like all things in life, the meta does not remain the same. At times, it can be so overpowering that it’s labeled ‘broken.’

Usually, the community outrages, with the players demanding a nerf (weakening) to the character or weapon.

But the good news is that the meta ‘evolves.’ This means that whatever the current successful strategy is, gamers will try to develop tactics to overthrow the meta.

So, something else takes that meta’s place as the ‘one weapon or strategy to rule them all’ until the next nerf.

Just like that, with the next patch, the tactics that would boost your chances of winning a game by up to 90% are obsolete, hence the meta is broken.

This is a constant back-and-forth struggle between the community and the developers.

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